Final treasure status: FOUND
Update 4: If you were looking and took a break sitting on a bench, you were close. It was taped underneath one of them. (The one on the left pictured below)

Todays game: Head over to Anton-Kummerer-Park, the original site where this piece is located. Find the image and wait for an update at 17:15 for further instructions.
Update 4: If you were looking and took a break sitting on a bench, you were close. It was taped underneath one of them. More details later
Update3, Tip: Not in the vegetation
Update2, Tip: Look down from up top and up from down below.
Update 17:15: There is a tile to the far left (corrected, original update said right) of the original piece. On it is a password to access the link below where you will find the final instructions (type password as you see it with small/large letters. There are no spaces in the password. Do not tamper with the tile)

Todays treasure, and the last one for the week, is a large 50x65cm paper “Sound of Uzi” stencil. It was painted with the same spray cans as used for the original outdoor version.
