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Canvas Panel Originals Release

Window Kiss, TABBY Cat vs BANKSY Gangsta Rat, Titanic

June 26-17, 2022


3 piece release

"Window Kiss", "TABBY Cat vs BANKSY Gangsta Rat", "Titanic"

Available at for 40 hours

100% original Spray paint & Stencil on 40x50cm canvas panel

Hand signed, stencil signed, numbered and dollar serial number registered/authenticated


Window Kiss, Blue and Grey edition 20 each - 3̶0̶0̶€Ì¶  275€

TABBY vs BANKSY, Blue and Grey edition 20 each - 3̶0̶0̶€Ì¶  275€

Titanic, Blue and Grey edition 20 each - 3̶0̶0̶€Ì¶  275€

25€ worldwide shipping


Bonus: For first 24 hours all prices are reduced by 25€


Bundle price:

265€ each when selecting 2 pieces.

250€ each when selecting 3 pieces.

Use coupon code Bundle2 at checkout for bundle price on 2 pieces.

Use coupon code Bundle3 at checkout for bundle price on 3 pieces.


Shipping only charged once


(Limit 1 each per person. If 2 are wanted then please get in contact first)

50% of these editions will be available during this release




If you purchase one piece and later decide to add another, you will also get the bundle price. Simply purchase the 2nd piece and the price difference will be refunded. Writing a quick email can help make sure your refund is sent asap.


For any questions feel free to get in contact at


TABBY aims for 100% satisfaction. If you encounter any customs fees, then get in contact and I will personally refund them.


Canvas panels have finely woven canvas affixed to a wood background. This is an optimal medium for stencils, since its flat surface allows for maximum detail when spraying. When framed it looks and feels like a perfectly painted canvas.

Each piece is a carefully hand made, original spray paint/ stencil

A step up from standard Certificate Of Authenticity (COA)

TABBY Canvas Panels have some of the highest safety features, guaranteeing easy and accurate authenticity.
They feature a hand signature, golden 1st edition seal, as well as an attached genuine US dollar bill with unique serial number. Every piece is photographed and catalogued in the official TABBY archive, making them one of the best collectibles in the art world.

These pieces will also be the first to sport the new super sexy double TABBY signature.
All pieces now also have the edition number on the front, rather than on the back side.

Bonus Framing Tips

Many of you enjoy getting a custom made frame and of course youll always end up with exactly what youre looking for.
But if youre like me, you might just want to get your new piece up on the wall asap! My tip is that a simple, off the shelf 40x50cm frame works perfectly fine and I use them a lot.

Especially if youre outside of Europe, you might not know exactly where you can get a fitting frame. Well, thanks to globalization, theres a little Swedish store called IKEA that offers the "RIBBA" 40x50cm frame in (basically) every country of the world. Plus theyre like 13€ (£8, 13$, 1,499¥).
Here is a direct link to the RIBBA frame for Europe, the UK, USA and Japan.
Take the easy route and simply order one now!

If youre in the US, then this size is often referred to as a 16x20 inch frame.
You can even search Amazon (click here) and find a whole selection.

About the Art

Titanic 8.jpg


2022 Buffalo, NY

Cruising along the streets are these two lovebirds. Wind in their hair, a firm grasp of the handle bars and a fully charged scooter, nothing can get in their way.

About the Art

Cat 6.jpg

TABBY Cat v BANKSY Gangsta Rat

2022 Buffalo, NY

With BANKSYs rats running loose and causing mayhem in the city, it was only a matter of time until the TABBY cat goes after them. Part of a series, there are currently 8 different TABBY vs Banksy pieces.

About the Art

Window Kiss 1

Window Kiss

2022 Buffalo, NY

Spreading love and joy is always on the daily agenda. This 9 foot tall piece will hopefully continue to spread the message for many years to come.

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